Brand new High Linearity Position Sensing Detector Array (PSD) from SiTek Electro-OpticsSiTek’s new PSD ArrayThe SiTek 1LA16-2,5_SU89 is a PSD Array for very fast 3D contour measurements. The bandwidth with Sitek SPC electronics is 400 kHz. With custom electronics mHz is even reachable. The SiTek PSDs is used in quick non contact online distance / nanometer distance measurement applications. Often a technical and commercial better and interesting solution for CCD-camera. features
Would you like to know more about PSDs of SiTek Electro-Optics? Please contact PEO at +32 33 09 32 09 and view the datasheet ( 2010) of the 1LA16-2,5_SU89. |
16 PSD’s on 1 chip SiTek PSD Array |
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