Centronic EO

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Centronic EO

Centronic is based in Croydon (near London) and has more than 30 years experience in developing and manufacturing sensor solutions for measuring or detection of photonic and ionising radiation. The company develops custom design solutions and specialised services to suit specific customer needs. It’s facilities embrace design, prototype and full-scale in-house manufacturing and testing which includes assembly under Class 100 clean-room conditions. The company is ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 quality approved and certified to stringent military and aerospace standards. Centronic is serving customers worldwide and strives for continuous innovation.

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Specialised in

Development and manufacturing of:

  • solid-state detectors
  • IR, UV, visible, X-ray and ionising radiation
  • eye sensitive detectors
  • linear Arrays
  • standard and OEM designs that meet your demands


  • fully integrated manufacturing facilities
  • certified to stringent military and aerospace standards
  • more then 30 years experience

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